Do you want to read books faster?
Then, why don't you look at the book summaries to get a clearer and simpler summary of the book itself; it may sound like counter-intuitive and yet it can save a lot of your time, energy, and space of your mind.
Also, if you wanted to go for the binge-reading or cover many books then there are even more suggestions that I have practiced and it worked out very well, such as:
- Audiobooks so that you would not miss the stories in that book if there are any
- Video books with animations to fulfill the exact context and stories
- Another bonus suggestions from the above #2, video books by best presenters or storytellers
- Get to know about the book author and get his core viewpoint and the key takeaways from their interviews or audio/video scripts etc - this would help you to do more research on that subject and what the author is throwing to the readers
- If you are an avid reader, then as I said earlier hop on online book summaries
By the way, the above suggestions are based on what sort of a learning person you are!
Some like physical books, some like to hear others, some wanted to view and visualize with their eyes and learn, some like to discuss and/or do a role play and then learn the subject, etc. So, it all depends on your preference of which type of learning person you are, and how you wanted to learn something...
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